Thursday, July 3, 2008

Captain Caption #1:

Ok guys, here is an attempt to do something fun. I want to have a caption contest. Who can come up with the best caption for this picture? Just a one liner is fine. Whoever wins gets a 1973 Buick Regal engine part. It's mint. If this goes well maybe I'll do one once a month or so? Thoughts?


Alice said...

I suck at caption contests, but I'll come back if you let me know if that mint engine part has any resale value on EBay. ; )

Susel said...

I suck at coming up with a witty comment for this but when I think of one, I will come back :p

Sean C said...

K, here's my attempt:

*in slow motion voice*
"ooooohhhh noooooo heeeeee diiiiiiiiii'nnnnnnn't"

L.C.T. said...

Let's see, my caption would be... Done your meme! After all that nagging ;)

Marianne said...

"He couldn't believe Flubber lived in his neighborhood."

Sean C said...

ooh! Marianne, that was a great one! Just perfect. Maybe someone will try to top that?

Anonymous said...

it's TDAA...

"how far do we think this large cylindrical object can fit down my throat?"

I don't really think this caption would be funny. just sexual. sort of.

Sean C said...

hahaha, you're bad TA. From the looks of that guys mouth though, i'm pretty sure you're right.