I work all day everyday, unless I leave my house then I'm not able to work because I'm not at my laptop which means I'm not able to say Hi to my blogosphere friends when I'm not working. I have read all of your blogs BTW, Alice is getting a new development on her site, tiedtogether had a guest blogger, Angela called boy but he didn't call back, Susel is now a US citizen, Miss Em is battling the Pope, Marianne is writing stories of how she met the colonel and I am serving as Chief Editor, and.... and that's all I can recall from bare memory with out scrolling through. I'm just saying I haven't had the chance to comment on your blogs, which is sad face :(
I did see the Dark Knight last knight. It was an incredible detective/suspense/thriller. It didn't feel like a comic book movie at all. It felt like Seven (Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman) or Heat. The detective just so happened to have a lot of cool gadgets and dressed like a bat and the villain just so happened to be a guy dressed in scary clown make-up and was a murderous psycho with no fear, no conscience, no remorse and at one point we're convinced he is unstoppable. Great movie, definitely an award winning film with, award winning performances. RIP Heath Ledger, of all the performances to go out on, this was it. Go see it. All of you.
Yeah, I think I'm going to have to suck it up, take a xanax, and go see The Dark Knight.
And don't even worry about comment on blogs. It does get a bit overwhelming at times. I'm going to PA next week and just think about how behind I'll get while I'm gone.
Film looks fantastic! After reading, you make me want to see it :o)
I just saw The Dark Knight last night. It was good and all but I just feel like I expected something more. But of course,Heath Ledger played the Joker PERFECTLY!
alright stop, collaborate and listen.
hmm...dark night looked good. you explaining it sounds good. perhaps I will go see that. it makes me sad though...meh. okay. well, get NOT busy. also.
Sad face! And what have I been doing? :P
I want to see that movie so flippin bad already...
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