Thank you all who have been so sympthetic and supportive during my current plight. It's so very sweet and is felt from all the way across the waters. Believe it or not each one of your input has helped me tremendously.
Sometimes just to know these types of things are normal for all people and not unique to just me make me feel better.
I am at work so I just wanted to write a quick note of appreciation to all of you for your support, your kind and thoughtful words, your concern and your birthday wishes.
Thank you all!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A New Yorker in Southern Los Angeles.
I had the best time of my life. I went to the beach I went to a club called Elevate that was awesome. I had delicious food everyday that I was there including In -N- Out -- twice.
I have so much to tell about he trip, from the time I boarded the plane this trip was on like donkey kong. We flew Virgin America and get this, it was called "Runway Angel" because there was a Victoria Secret show on that plane. It was like a lounge in the plane. Very posh. You had a TV touch screen which allowed you to watch live TV, movies, listen to music, watch music videos, play games or chat with others. You could also c
ommunicate with the staff from there.

I had the best time of my life. I went to the beach I went to a club called Elevate that was awesome. I had delicious food everyday that I was there including In -N- Out -- twice.
I have so much to tell about he trip, from the time I boarded the plane this trip was on like donkey kong. We flew Virgin America and get this, it was called "Runway Angel" because there was a Victoria Secret show on that plane. It was like a lounge in the plane. Very posh. You had a TV touch screen which allowed you to watch live TV, movies, listen to music, watch music videos, play games or chat with others. You could also c
Monday, July 21, 2008
100 Push Ups Challenge: Day 1 - Start
Today we start. Hopefully you've done your initial test and figure out what level you are in preparation of being awesome and fit.
I'm a level 3, partially by choice because I could have kept going up to level 4 like my roommate did, but I don't want to start out biting off more than I cared to chew.
Lets keep it going guys, every Monday we'll check back here to comment on our progress and status. Let's not give up!
JK, GMan, and Emma let's get it started in here.
Ready.... set... begin!
Friday, July 18, 2008
People, I'm so flipping busy...
:/ <-- Meh Face
I work all day everyday, unless I leave my house then I'm not able to work because I'm not at my laptop which means I'm not able to say Hi to my blogosphere friends when I'm not working. I have read all of your blogs BTW, Alice is getting a new development on her site, tiedtogether had a guest blogger, Angela called boy but he didn't call back, Susel is now a US citizen, Miss Em is battling the Pope, Marianne is writing stories of how she met the colonel and I am serving as Chief Editor, and.... and that's all I can recall from bare memory with out scrolling through. I'm just saying I haven't had the chance to comment on your blogs, which is sad face :(
I did see the Dark Knight last knight. It was an incredible detective/suspense/thriller. It didn't feel like a comic book movie at all. It felt like Seven (Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman) or Heat. The detective just so happened to have a lot of cool gadgets and dressed like a bat and the villain just so happened to be a guy dressed in scary clown make-up and was a murderous psycho with no fear, no conscience, no remorse and at one point we're convinced he is unstoppable. Great movie, definitely an award winning film with, award winning performances. RIP Heath Ledger, of all the performances to go out on, this was it. Go see it. All of you.
AND 100 push-ups challenge is coming Monday. Remember that tiedtogetherwithasmile is going to be doing it alongside the non-lazy people. Scratch that. Reverse it. K good. Looking forward to it!
I work all day everyday, unless I leave my house then I'm not able to work because I'm not at my laptop which means I'm not able to say Hi to my blogosphere friends when I'm not working. I have read all of your blogs BTW, Alice is getting a new development on her site, tiedtogether had a guest blogger, Angela called boy but he didn't call back, Susel is now a US citizen, Miss Em is battling the Pope, Marianne is writing stories of how she met the colonel and I am serving as Chief Editor, and.... and that's all I can recall from bare memory with out scrolling through. I'm just saying I haven't had the chance to comment on your blogs, which is sad face :(
I did see the Dark Knight last knight. It was an incredible detective/suspense/thriller. It didn't feel like a comic book movie at all. It felt like Seven (Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman) or Heat. The detective just so happened to have a lot of cool gadgets and dressed like a bat and the villain just so happened to be a guy dressed in scary clown make-up and was a murderous psycho with no fear, no conscience, no remorse and at one point we're convinced he is unstoppable. Great movie, definitely an award winning film with, award winning performances. RIP Heath Ledger, of all the performances to go out on, this was it. Go see it. All of you.
Monday, July 14, 2008
I'll be going to Los Angeles soon...
That undoubtedly means one thing - copious intake of In-N-Out Burgers. If you haven't tasted these iconic burgers and fries or worse yet, haven't heard of them, then what you don't know is hurting you. In-N-Out may be the best darn burger and fries available in the U.S. of A., maybe anywhere. If you happen to be in California, Nevada or Arizona then locate the nearest one and make a mad dash that way. You deserve it.
I will be staying at the Westin Bonaventure located right at the center of Down Town Los Angeles, CA. The

We will be taking a tour of Paramount Studios. Big hopes to see a movie being filmed. We will drive around the area near the studio to see Rodeo Dr, Melrose Ave, the Hollywood walk of fame and the Hollywood sign. Venice Beach, Manhattan Beach amd maybe Huntington Beach. We also plan on going to a club or two out there and eating some of the delicious food, besides I-N-O.
Any readers have ideas of some the happening places in Los Angeles for some 20 something
Anyone heard of Elevate Lounge? It's adjacent to Takami Restaurant. I've been thinking about heading there. There's house music, pretty big dance floor, drinks and ladies. That pretty much covers it right?
Official 100 Push Ups Challenge - to all of you...
I was reading tiedtogetherwithasmile's blog and ran across this post which said she was doing the 100 push up training program. I dug in a little further and found out it was an awesome way to gain muscle/lose weight in 6 weeks. Now it can easily be done by ones self but it's so much more fun to do with others. So who's with me?
We'll begin together, on Monday July 21st and check back with each other each week. Every person starts at their own level. Oh, whats that? Bad shoulder? Bad wrist? Bad face? Bleh bleh bleh. Run through the easy to read pages and it will tell you how to do this with handicaps and still get the same level of results.
Let's do it! It's 3 days a week for six weeks. Come on, it's free and it's a break from the norm. Plus you'll be in better shape at the end of it. It's a meme of the physical challenge variety. I'm Marc Summers and this is Double Dare (get it, physical challenge, Double Dare? hehe :).
So since it's a meme I tagging people.
1) Miss Em
2) Alice
3) Susel
4) L.C.T.
5) Marianne
6) Emma Jayne
7) Tah-Daaa
8) Jersey
I would say Angela but she writes about the gym and cute boys she finds there all the time.
Awesome and Fantastic people only: ~Click Here~
Boring and lazy people only: ~Click Here~
(I realize this is a long shot, but I'm hoping somebody will do it with me.)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
NEWS FLASH: DL The Alchemist for free on iTunes
Yep, that's right. Through the 14th. If you don't know what it is, download it. If you do know what it is, download it. If you don't care what it is download it.

The Alchemist
By Paulo Coelho; Read by Jermey Irons
iTunes Download - Approx. 4.25 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Provider: iTunes
FREE: July 8th 2008 -July 14th 2008
An Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago travels from his homeland to the Egyptian desert in search of treasure buried in the Pyramids. Along the way he meets a Gypsy woman, a man who calls himself king, and an Alchemist. No one knows what the treasure is, or if Santiago will be able to surmount the obstacles along the way. But what starts out as a journey to find worldly goods turns into a meditation on the treasures found within. Lush, evocative, and deeply humane, the story of Santiago is art eternal testament to the transforming power of our dreams and the importance of listening to our hearts.
....We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. Namely my post below since i'm trying to stir up a little bit of discussion before I post Pt. 2.
The Alchemist
By Paulo Coelho; Read by Jermey Irons
iTunes Download - Approx. 4.25 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Provider: iTunes
FREE: July 8th 2008 -July 14th 2008
An Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago travels from his homeland to the Egyptian desert in search of treasure buried in the Pyramids. Along the way he meets a Gypsy woman, a man who calls himself king, and an Alchemist. No one knows what the treasure is, or if Santiago will be able to surmount the obstacles along the way. But what starts out as a journey to find worldly goods turns into a meditation on the treasures found within. Lush, evocative, and deeply humane, the story of Santiago is art eternal testament to the transforming power of our dreams and the importance of listening to our hearts.
....We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. Namely my post below since i'm trying to stir up a little bit of discussion before I post Pt. 2.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
America the beautiful... the blithering idiots... Pt. 1
...OK not really. Although as evidenced by this video some undoubtedly are. I was highly offended at first glance of this clip. Offended that this was the foreign media portrayal of Americans. Offended that I didn't know, well really know, that when I speak to someone outside this country that they are most likely patronizing me because they feel like I have the IQ of a 6th grader or that I'm a narrow-minded bigot.
I was speaking to a friend from Australia, who had just come in from feeding her pet kangaroo and practicing her boomerang toss, and we were discussing the world view on Americans. I was sharing a story of a guy from Australia who came to the States to visit this American girl whom he had met online a few years ago. Ironically this guy had a huge disdain for Americans and seemed to carry that chip on his shoulder the entire visit. Whenever we engaged in a conversation it always started off cordial but then he always digressed into some tirade of unfounded slandering of America/ns.
I was telling my Aussie friend, while she was wrestling a crocodile into submission, that it seems to be popular among those outside the U.S. to "strongly dislike" Americans. She said that she shares the same school of thought and is on the bandwagon of not thinking much of them. I became passionate in my response to defend my countrymen/women saying, "Not all of us are narrow-minded and lack a perspective limited to the U.S." She thought I must have had that speech rehearsed. She then sent me the following video as an example of why she feels the way she does. Without further ado, here is the video:
Chasers : War on Everything - Americans
I want to hear the thoughts of everyone who watches this. Especially since I have a few readers from other countries. Please note that this post was written tongue-in-cheek. I'm actually quite fond of the person I was talking to about this and we had a very intelligent discussion about it.
Additionally, I sent this video to a list of people from my email contacts. I will post some of their responses to it and my personal take on this subject in a follow-up post.
Please share!! Racist or bigoted responses are not necessary.
I was speaking to a friend from Australia, who had just come in from feeding her pet kangaroo and practicing her boomerang toss, and we were discussing the world view on Americans. I was sharing a story of a guy from Australia who came to the States to visit this American girl whom he had met online a few years ago. Ironically this guy had a huge disdain for Americans and seemed to carry that chip on his shoulder the entire visit. Whenever we engaged in a conversation it always started off cordial but then he always digressed into some tirade of unfounded slandering of America/ns.
I was telling my Aussie friend, while she was wrestling a crocodile into submission, that it seems to be popular among those outside the U.S. to "strongly dislike" Americans. She said that she shares the same school of thought and is on the bandwagon of not thinking much of them. I became passionate in my response to defend my countrymen/women saying, "Not all of us are narrow-minded and lack a perspective limited to the U.S." She thought I must have had that speech rehearsed. She then sent me the following video as an example of why she feels the way she does. Without further ado, here is the video:
Chasers : War on Everything - Americans
I want to hear the thoughts of everyone who watches this. Especially since I have a few readers from other countries. Please note that this post was written tongue-in-cheek. I'm actually quite fond of the person I was talking to about this and we had a very intelligent discussion about it.
Additionally, I sent this video to a list of people from my email contacts. I will post some of their responses to it and my personal take on this subject in a follow-up post.
Please share!! Racist or bigoted responses are not necessary.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July - I'll be gone this weekend.

I'll be in on the rooftops of Brooklyn watching fireworks,
Mabuhay! <--(That's Tagolog for Live long or Peace.) The terribly cloudy pics are of last years fireworks seen from the rooftops of Brooklyn.

Thursday, July 3, 2008
Captain Caption #1:
Monday, June 30, 2008
Eight Things Meme
OK Jersey, here goes...
Eight things I am passionate about:
Eight things I want to do before I die:
Eight books I’ve read recently:
Eight Movies I have seen Eight times:
Eight people who should do this meme:
1. L.C.T.
2. Angela
3. Miss Em
4. Classy Fabulous Filipino
5. Stream of Consciousness
6. And...
7. how about...
8. YOU!
Eight things I am passionate about:
- Learning. I love to learn. I randomly dip into intriguing subjects and just absorb the information like a kid in a candy store. I don't necessarily have particular subjects that I like more than others, it's just whatever grabs me at the time. When I was a kid I took it upon my self to learn everything I could about planets. Then I moved on to Dinosaurs and had such an extensive knowledge at 5 and 6 that I started a club where I was the president and taught a new Dino everyday. I taught myself how to draw all of the Disney characters at 7. Adults would pay me to draw things for their kids. I've taught myself some basic Japanese (the only thing I know how to say now is "No", which is important if a Japanese girl tries to take it too far :). Now I'm teaching myself Tagalog (a Filipino language) and I'm studying dance again. A few months ago I was learning everything I could about graphic and web design, before that production and the film industry.
- Dance. I've been dancing since I was a kid, but nothing serious. When I was 16 I realized I had a natural rhythm and started studying different dancers like Michael Jackson, Fred Astaire, and BBoys. My main style of dance is Hip Hop. I went on a dancing sabbatical for 3 years but am practicing daily again. I used to go to L.A. every year to compete and meet up with other dancers. I plan on taking some jazz and tap classes to freshen up there too. No matter where I am I find myself practicing moves or articulating moves in my head, discreetly of course. And Jersey, like you, I dance in the shower (mental images are go)... always practicing.
- Cooking. I love to cook. I'm a natural chef like Ratatouille the Rat or something. With just some of the basic knowledge of cooking that I've garnered from watching cooking shows, something I've done since I was a kid, I have this innate sense of how to season and prepare foods properly and deliciously. I can't imagine what would happen if I actually went to a culinary school. I also love feeding people, so that goes hand in hand with my loving to cook. If I have the chance to I will probably cook something for you. I'm also the rare guy that loves to go grocery shopping... yay me!
- Money. I have this insatiable desire to be rich and powerful. Disgusting right? I subscribe to Forbes just to read about these rich and powerful people and hopefully pick up a thing or two. One of my goals is to be on the cover someday, not even joking. There are trillions of dollars out there that exchanges hands daily, both physically and digitally. All I need to do is come up with a product or service that reroutes some of that wealth to my bank account. I once heard that money has a sense. If you are someone who will take care of it and use it wisely it will be attracted to you. If you are the type of person that uses it carelessly it will be repelled by you.
- Filipino Martial Arts. Arnis De Mano, Modern Arnis, Eskrima, Kali. I have been studying the Filipino martial arts for about 8 years. I am part Filipino and love that part of my heritage so I took it upon myself to study the ancient fighting styles of the Philippines. We're BAMF too, let me tell you. We once held off an entire Japanese army with bolo's, rattan bastons, espada's y daga's and stifled the Japanese occupation. There were reports of some pinoys getting shot with high caliber rifles and pistols and not even flinching! That's BAMF. Mabuhay!(Live long or Peace)
- Books. Until a couple of years ago I would usually have my nose in a science(NOT SCI-FI), business philosophy, economic/money sense, biography or personal development books. I have been reading much more fiction lately. I have tons of books. Probably... over 100. I have not read all these, but I do feel smarter just having them. I love reading and as a kid would spend time in my room reading anything I could get my hands on. As a kid I read the Bible, the dictionary and science books as they were readily available.
- Family & Friends. Admittedly I am a terrible friend. I hate that I fail as a friend on so many levels. Sometimes I'm a terrible son too. (My mom and dad might argue that I'm always a terrible son ;) I do love and appreciate the people that are always there for me. JNS, one of the dearest people on earth to me, I'm gonna marry that girl one day. My brother Jonathon, also one of my best buds. VJC is one of my best friends. SH is my boss, my mentor and has taught me more about being the best person I can be than any book I've read or class/seminar/lecture I've ever attended.
- Fashion. I was deliberating on whether to put this here. Then I looked at the rest of my list and said, "WTH I'm read like a homo-geek anyway so why not." :) I love looking good. I am usually the best dressed of my friends, and think myself quite sexy. I spend a lot of time ruminating on what I should wear. Even if it's just shorts and a t-shirt, I'll change three times to get the right look. I am not a high end fashion label whore like but I have my brands and I'm loyal to them. Banana Republic is my number one store. Abercrombie is another favorite of mine. I also love J Crew and the Gap. I HATE A|X, Ed Hardy, and those other Guido brands. Yeck! I also get compliments on my hair quite a bit, but I'm never happy with it.
Eight things I want to do before I die:
- Visit Asia. Japan (Tokyo, Okinawa, Mt Fuji), China (Shanghai, Hong Kong, The Great Wall), The Philippines (Manila, Quezon, Cebu)
- Visit Europe. Um, All of it. Every square mile.
- Financial Independence. I really do want to be rich and powerful someday. When I am I will probably be giving money to causes bigger than myself, that's how I want to make a difference.
- Make a difference. See 3.
- Be completely accepting of the person God made me. I am always wondering what it would be like if I was an apple instead of an orange. Asking myself, "What if I was born into this situation?"or "had taken this direction in life?"... I just want to be the best orange I can be. All sweet and juicy.
- Become fairly proficient at Japanese and Tagalog. See 1.
- Own several successful businesses. See 3.
- Either marry JNS or remain a hot sexy single and rich bachelor all of my life. And maybe be a single father, because kids are great and so are single fathers.
- "What up Yo" mainly as a parody of my non-hipness.
- "Brrr freaking muda" When I'm cold.
- "How much?" I once asked this question in my sleep. Evidently I don't like spending too much money on any one single item.
- "I'd like a student/senior citizen/good customer discount for that please *smile*" I really say that to about everyone I purchase from. Usually after they ask, "Can I get you anything else?" I've gotten a discount several times too. "Ask and you shall receive." The best advice I ever got as a kid.
- "What scotch's do you have?" I'm a huge huge fan of scotch. Single malts and blends. Johnny walker is my favorite fiscally attainable brand, but I like Balvenie, and Glenrothe's as guilty expensive pleasures. I also enjoy some Irish Whiskey's as well. Bushmills Black is tasty.
- "You my little kiki gurls?" I repeat this in rapid succession when doting on my dog, Kiki.
- "You come here often?" Just kidding.
- Movie quotes and or funny sitcom quotes. Especially Will Farrell. My favorite hit or miss is "Ze gogglez! Ze do nozhing!" because not everyone knows what it's from.
Eight books I’ve read recently:
- My French Whore - Gene Wilders Debut Novella
- The Woman Who Wouldn't - Gene Wilders follow up Novella
- Search Engine Optimization for Dummies
- Multiple Streams of Income (I've read this probably once a year since I bought it.)
- Sly Moves - Workout book
- Modern Arnis: Remy Presas
- Harry Potter
- Cook Books
Eight Movies I have seen Eight times:
- The Karate Kid
- Superman 1 (well most of them)
- Top Gun
- Talladega Nights, Elf and the rest of his films...
- Batman Begins
- Tommy Boy
- Spanglish (This was the only DVD I owned for a while and with no cable to boot)
- The Notebook, Titanic, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Sweetest Thing... NONE OF THESE BY CHOICE.
- Young Frankenstein best movie ever. :)
Eight people who should do this meme:
1. L.C.T.
2. Angela
3. Miss Em
4. Classy Fabulous Filipino
5. Stream of Consciousness
6. And...
7. how about...
8. YOU!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Playing catch up and 2 of my current favorite songs...
I'm running out of new pictures unfortunately to put on my blog. I haven't taken any recently because I work too darn much to do anything fun. Boo me. I'm going to a friends party this weekend so maybe I'll get some news pics, she's got a new place and wants to celebrate. Maybe I'll get something to write about :) So I am meandering down my blog roll link by bloody link and trying to catch up on all my peeps blogs. If I haven't made it to you yet it's because I love yours the most and I want to save the best for last. Thusly if I've already gotten to you it's because my love is that much greater than had I not. [It's not supposed to make sense its called being diplomatic and playing politics:] Anyway, so in other news I love the following 2 songs and they both remind of good times with friends, dancing, drinking and kanoodling. Wait- I don't have a clue what kanoodling is, let alone if that is the correct spelling. [EDIT: its even funnier in this context when you know what it is]
The songs are:
1st Song - David Guetta - Love is gone
2nd Song - Bob Sinclair - World Hold On (Children of the Sky)
Oh and wait for the basslines to kick in... cause that's when you get ants in yo' pants.
Very stupid video I think but great song to get down to:
Another great song that reminds me of a friend of mine who just loves to dance as much as I do:
Now, forget about your troubles and dance :)
The songs are:
1st Song - David Guetta - Love is gone
2nd Song - Bob Sinclair - World Hold On (Children of the Sky)
Oh and wait for the basslines to kick in... cause that's when you get ants in yo' pants.
Very stupid video I think but great song to get down to:
Another great song that reminds me of a friend of mine who just loves to dance as much as I do:
Now, forget about your troubles and dance :)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Luuucy, i'm hoo-oome...
Wow, so I am very sorry to have disappeared on my blogging friends. As you may know from reading my previous post I have been working an excruciating schedule. A lot got dumped on my shoulders at once so it's been hard to have the desire to do anything that involves writing... especially for leisure. However, I missed my blogger buddies so I can't stay gone for long, tired or not.
So I'll catch you up with what I have been doing lately. This past week I have been creating a marketing and sales system for a client of ours. I'm working with my old boss, who's pretty well taught me everything I know about sales and marketing, and has now started his own company. One of his first clients are needing to market a product of theirs and I am given the reigns. So it's been tedious to say the least, but I'm making it through. Then I am working with outback, but I'm not actually out of training yet, so just imagine how busy I'll be when I'm on the floor. I actually haven't really met anyone as of yet since I'm taking tests and stuff.
Not much else has happened that would be interesting to write about... I did learn how to cook a really mean steak. Did I ever tell you guys that I liked to cook? I'm actually quite the chef I might add. I take a lot of pride in it. From preparation to plating. I should probably go to a culinary school to broaden my "talent" but alas I have no time and I probably would never want to work as a chef for a living. Anyway, whenever people come over I try to cook for them, I just like to feed people for some reason.
Selling my car has proven to be pain, I don't have the money to purchase the car that I want either. Fortunately I live a stones throw away from the village and am able to walk there whenever I need something.
I purchased the video game Metal Gear Solid 4 but I haven't played it yet. I did watch my brother annihilate it in one sitting however. It was a great game with a lot of cinematics which made it feel like a Hollywood summer blockbuster. I have always loved that game since the first one came out and so I had to finish the series.
I'm really hoping to be able to go out more so I can have a life... soon. Anyway, thanks for those of you who inquired about me, it made me feel really special. :) I won't disappear that long anymore 'k? 'K.
So I'll catch you up with what I have been doing lately. This past week I have been creating a marketing and sales system for a client of ours. I'm working with my old boss, who's pretty well taught me everything I know about sales and marketing, and has now started his own company. One of his first clients are needing to market a product of theirs and I am given the reigns. So it's been tedious to say the least, but I'm making it through. Then I am working with outback, but I'm not actually out of training yet, so just imagine how busy I'll be when I'm on the floor. I actually haven't really met anyone as of yet since I'm taking tests and stuff.
Not much else has happened that would be interesting to write about... I did learn how to cook a really mean steak. Did I ever tell you guys that I liked to cook? I'm actually quite the chef I might add. I take a lot of pride in it. From preparation to plating. I should probably go to a culinary school to broaden my "talent" but alas I have no time and I probably would never want to work as a chef for a living. Anyway, whenever people come over I try to cook for them, I just like to feed people for some reason.
Selling my car has proven to be pain, I don't have the money to purchase the car that I want either. Fortunately I live a stones throw away from the village and am able to walk there whenever I need something.
I purchased the video game Metal Gear Solid 4 but I haven't played it yet. I did watch my brother annihilate it in one sitting however. It was a great game with a lot of cinematics which made it feel like a Hollywood summer blockbuster. I have always loved that game since the first one came out and so I had to finish the series.
I'm really hoping to be able to go out more so I can have a life... soon. Anyway, thanks for those of you who inquired about me, it made me feel really special. :) I won't disappear that long anymore 'k? 'K.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Funny. In a disturbing kind of a way. Employees willingly get punched in the face in slo-mo
So evidently this production company named Action Figure did this elaborate PR move to garner publicity, virally via the interwebs. The funny part is that all of these people are said to have agreed to do this with no questions asked.
“The disturbing thing is that no one questioned it when all employees were asked to meet in Stage One so that we could punch them in the face,” says Matt Hovis, Director and Principal at Action Figure.It gets a little disturbing after watching the skin literally shift off of their skulls, but for some reason I couldn't look away... and couldn't help but laugh either.
Friday, June 6, 2008
I can't believe it's Friday, and I can't believe I haven't written anything since last Sunday!
Sorry guys, I guess I haven't had anything terribly exciting happening this week. I did get into a medium heated argument with my roommate today. There's a director that will be in Manhattan next week and I asked him if he would come with me to meet him. He asked a series of pointed questions to determine if he would be able to make it according to his schedule. He finally determined that he wouldn't be able to come citing "work-load" and "missed money" as the issue. Well, that's where it started. I said, "Ok, no problem." and began to walk away. As I'm walking away I thought, "ya know that's a lame excuse, he up and leaves for Jersey at the drop of the hat all the time, makes plans to take off a day at the drop of a hat and tells me he is unable to do so because of missed money and work-load?"
Now what you don't know is that he, DP, is practically a self-employed graphic and web designer. He also works part-time for a small online company here in the village. He HAS NO SCHEDULE. At least no one to dictate it to him. He really has no "deadlines" with his projects in queue either. He does, but they are movable based on his availability and what not. I mean a majority of the work is with and for friends and family. Not big corporate accounts that have a set deadline. Granted he is in a film school right now too. Anyway, that's what I'm thinking as I back myself up to his door and say, "that's a really lame excuse. If you didn't want to go you could just say that." "Well I am saying that, It's true I don't know much about this director or anything but I wouldn't mind hanging out with you, it's just that I can't afford to miss that day of work." I started to get really annoyed at this point because I felt like he was patronizing me and insulting my intelligence. I continued with, "You leave all the time to go a whole week out to Jersey or make snap decisions to go to a Coldplay or Counting Crows concert but you're going to act like this can't be done because of all the work you have to do now?" "Hold ONE MINUTE, I don't have to explain to you what I do and when I do it, but I'll have you know that when I go to Jersey I do get reimbursed and I haven't even decided to go to the Coldplay concert because I may not have the money to do so. I can't afford to miss a day on these projects." Still not buying it I say, "But there's a disconnect with what you are saying and what you are doing DP. You say you're busy doing this and busy doing that, but the only time you are able to work on these things is when you are on the computer and I just don't see you working as heavily as you are letting off right now. So don't say to me you can't go to the city "because of" and patronize me. Just say you don't want to." "Well I am saying that, again, I wouldn't mind hanging out with you that's why I was hemming and hawwing trying to determine if I could go with you. Because I genuinely considered it." So now we're getting somewhere. "DP, I can understand you're getting behind on things. I just didn't want you to assume that I would believe that you are balls to the wall busy all of a sudden when you take random times off all the time." "You're right, you bringing up these types of things makes me remember how busy I need to be and how much work I need to be getting done. When I think about planning time for myself, especially in advance I feel guilty for not working on these things." So that's it.
Anyway, we worked it out from there. Chances are great he is not going to the city with me, and as an indirect result, I may not be going either. I'm really not that type of person that "has to" meet famous people. Well not everyone. This director guy is incredibly talented and never comes to the U.S. but still I'm not sure that I'm willing to wait in line for hours by myself with a bunch of fanboys just to meet another human being.
I am also starting a new job. All this talk of people working in restaurants (Jersey, ThisDay, Angela) now I'm working in one. Outback. Should I say that? I think Jersey said something about remaining anonymous at times can be good. Anyway, so I start waiting tables in about a week. woot
This is on top of another 40 hour a week job. AND I START CLASSES IN
THE FALL!!!!!! I must be on the crack pipe. Some one help.
Now what you don't know is that he, DP, is practically a self-employed graphic and web designer. He also works part-time for a small online company here in the village. He HAS NO SCHEDULE. At least no one to dictate it to him. He really has no "deadlines" with his projects in queue either. He does, but they are movable based on his availability and what not. I mean a majority of the work is with and for friends and family. Not big corporate accounts that have a set deadline. Granted he is in a film school right now too. Anyway, that's what I'm thinking as I back myself up to his door and say, "that's a really lame excuse. If you didn't want to go you could just say that." "Well I am saying that, It's true I don't know much about this director or anything but I wouldn't mind hanging out with you, it's just that I can't afford to miss that day of work." I started to get really annoyed at this point because I felt like he was patronizing me and insulting my intelligence. I continued with, "You leave all the time to go a whole week out to Jersey or make snap decisions to go to a Coldplay or Counting Crows concert but you're going to act like this can't be done because of all the work you have to do now?" "Hold ONE MINUTE, I don't have to explain to you what I do and when I do it, but I'll have you know that when I go to Jersey I do get reimbursed and I haven't even decided to go to the Coldplay concert because I may not have the money to do so. I can't afford to miss a day on these projects." Still not buying it I say, "But there's a disconnect with what you are saying and what you are doing DP. You say you're busy doing this and busy doing that, but the only time you are able to work on these things is when you are on the computer and I just don't see you working as heavily as you are letting off right now. So don't say to me you can't go to the city "because of" and patronize me. Just say you don't want to." "Well I am saying that, again, I wouldn't mind hanging out with you that's why I was hemming and hawwing trying to determine if I could go with you. Because I genuinely considered it." So now we're getting somewhere. "DP, I can understand you're getting behind on things. I just didn't want you to assume that I would believe that you are balls to the wall busy all of a sudden when you take random times off all the time." "You're right, you bringing up these types of things makes me remember how busy I need to be and how much work I need to be getting done. When I think about planning time for myself, especially in advance I feel guilty for not working on these things." So that's it.
Anyway, we worked it out from there. Chances are great he is not going to the city with me, and as an indirect result, I may not be going either. I'm really not that type of person that "has to" meet famous people. Well not everyone. This director guy is incredibly talented and never comes to the U.S. but still I'm not sure that I'm willing to wait in line for hours by myself with a bunch of fanboys just to meet another human being.
I am also starting a new job. All this talk of people working in restaurants (Jersey, ThisDay, Angela) now I'm working in one. Outback. Should I say that? I think Jersey said something about remaining anonymous at times can be good. Anyway, so I start waiting tables in about a week. woot
This is on top of another 40 hour a week job. AND I START CLASSES IN
THE FALL!!!!!! I must be on the crack pipe. Some one help.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Guid's, Guido's and Guidettes... or Guidle Dee and Guidle Dum
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Going into the city today, South Street Seaport to be exact...
So, I've got a couple of posts I'm working on since blogging is my new fav hobby. I can't finish them until I get back and since I knew all 8 people that read my blog are REEELING to see more I'm leaving this post. And a picture of me, my cousin and brother. Not the best pics, but I'm in a hurry and I dislike posting with no real pics.
Not ready for the shot!
My cousin is the guy on my right hand side and my brother is the guy in the hat.
K, a lil better
Kiki and flora
Oh and this is my dog, KiKi... Actually her full name is Sakura Keiko, but I call her KiKi.

My cousin is the guy on my right hand side and my brother is the guy in the hat.

Oh and this is my dog, KiKi... Actually her full name is Sakura Keiko, but I call her KiKi.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Update: Craigslist and Selling your car = fast and easy

I currently drive a 1999 Mercedes Benz ML320. It's black and has some cool features like a crash bar in the front, a sun roof (pretty standard I know), heated leather seats and a Bose sound system. I love it. Plus I think it makes me feel above par and gives me a social status that a Honda doesn't. Nothing against a Honda, I just think that a Mercedes has that unspoken perception that the person driving it must be in a decent position. Which leads me to another reason why I want to sell it.

I put it on Craiglist Wednesday evening and I'm selling it today. Crazy right? I made a rather desperate plea. "DISTRESSED SALE! MUST SELL NOW!" I think that may have had an effect on the amount of calls I received. A lady who may not be in any better place than me financially REALLY, REALLY wants it. She called me about 8 times, and called incessantly back to back if I didn't answer. So her husband is bringing cash since I'm not asking too much, under $10K, and they will have it for me today. So, it's bye bye to status and hello to economic chic. I'm actually a bit relieved. I may not have a car for a few weeks but I'll have the self-respect that comes from not keeping a car I can't afford!
UPDATE: Sold the car. I was expecting an older gentleman, he said he as married and owns a mechanic shop. His hair looked like Hurley's from lost, actually his whole face kind of did, he was wearing cargo shorts and a navy blue Adidas soccer shirt and Velcro strap sandals. He looked like... a hoodlum. Like a hippy/rock n roll/thug hoodlum. What's worse is he was never planning on giving me the asking price. He came $500 shy, was dropped off by a friend so he was "stuck" and then kept saying how I need to be somewhere by 5pm!! Trying to work on that human compassion thing I guess. Like, "ahh man, I can't get you the money cause the banks closed. How'my s'posed to get home!" He lives on Staten Island we were on the South Shore of Long Island near Bellmore, Not happening! He didn't inspect the car, he didn't even want me to have it washed! I was very suspicious of this guy. He wrote out a letter of intent about mailing the rest of the cash via check. I'm only half expecting to see that. We'll see. Wish me luck.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Previously on LOST... [season finale tonight!]
I have explained to you my love affair with Lost on ABC right? I HAVEN'T?! Well allow me to proceed. I have been watching Lost since it's second season trying desperately to never miss an episode. I only started watching it after my colleagues would not let me go a week with out saying, "did you watch Lost yet? "Did you watch Lost yet?" "Did you...?" "Did you...?" "Did you...?" Well, finally my friend Eric put the first season in my hand.
He said, "watch the first 4 episodes, if you don't like it bring it back to me." I thought to myself, "that's a fair enough assignment." Well I waited until that weekend and, I am pleased to say, it was EPIC. J.J. Abrams had created pure episodic gold. The best show on Television period, well Arrested Development isn't on T.V. anymore so that doesn't count. I watched nearly all 24 episodes in one sitting. At least a full 9 hours straight. I had been bitten by the bug that is Lost-ism. I couldn't WAIT for the the second season.
I have been watching faithfully ever since. I love all the characters but especially Jack. I do like Ben even though he is the ominous menace in this show. I do think we have more to learn about Ben and that there is more to this "bad guy" thing but that is yet to be revealed. Anyway, I want Kate and Jack to stay together, I want Charlie to still be alive, I want Claire to be okay, I want Sawyer to find his way and Desmond, as much as I like him, he's too much of a loose cannon right now and probably needs to be offed. I want Jin, Sayed and Locke to live and I want to know who is in the CASKET!
Anyway, that's my Lost rant. I love this show and if you haven't watched it. You don't know what you're missing until you watched the first 4 episodes. You'll know if you love it or not by then.
UPDATE: SOOOO all this noise about I can't wait to see it and my stupid DVR didn't work!!! GAHHH I missed 2 hours!! So now I have to catch it on Oh well I didn't miss it, miss it.
Anyway, that's my Lost rant. I love this show and if you haven't watched it. You don't know what you're missing until you watched the first 4 episodes. You'll know if you love it or not by then.
UPDATE: SOOOO all this noise about I can't wait to see it and my stupid DVR didn't work!!! GAHHH I missed 2 hours!! So now I have to catch it on Oh well I didn't miss it, miss it.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Memorial day: drinking, food and... boobs?

So, yesterday was Memorial Day and frankly one of the most memorable Memorial Days for me in a long time, if not ever. I drove out to my friends house in Yonkers. Her parents are gone and they let her have the whole of the house for this First Day of Summer sha-bang. I arrived at about 4:30pm and most of the people had already been there for a little while. Food had already been served once but you know how these things go, as as soon as I get there they fired the grill back up and threw on some Nathans dogs, some hamburgers, steak shish-kabobs (Americanized ones), and some NY Strip. MMmmmm. I can still taste all of the deliciousness.

My friend, the host of the party, she throws parties like no one I know. Well besides maybe P. Diddy. I mean, she is the type of girl who really has a cosmopolitan palate. She loves and studies the finer things in life. She probably gets it from her father. He's a fantastic painter and their house itself is a work of art. Anyway, very classy sophisticated tastes. I admire that because I share those same tastes. So when [hostess] throws a party she really knows how to do it.

There was ice tea, but not just any ice tea, no, some really good tea leaves brewed and then real fruit was cut up and marinated in the tea. Fruit like lime, blueberries, real cherries, and I think there were grapes and some other fruit in there. No sugar needed, it was perfect and very refreshing. Then she has a fruit bowl, not just run of the mill, pounds of fresh picked blueberries, big and bursting with juice blackberries, cherries, fresh cut pineapples chunks, and more. It was delicious. That was just the sides! The meat was all good meat, no cheap stuff there either. Shish Kabobs were handmade.

It was steak with fresh cut pineapple, onions, red and yellow peppers and skewered. On that were thrown fresh ground salt and pepper. Delicious. We ate through out the day and night. Oh, there was another girl there who has apparently mastered the NY Strip steak. The best and juiciest NY strip steak I have ever tried. I may have issues eating at steak houses now. She did this thing where she heated up some vegetable oil, ground fresh pepper and salt on it and when the oil was just beginning to smoke she placed the steak on. It seared the juices in while giving it that nice brown outside. Very tender and juicy. It literally melted in my mouth. *does a Homer Simpson drool* Now I'm hungry. Anyway, moving on, we spent some time in the game room. There was music, a short burst of dancing entertainment (courtesy of me :), a lot of pool [which I suck at but got better with more drinks], more eating drinking and music video watching.

There was ice tea, but not just any ice tea, no, some really good tea leaves brewed and then real fruit was cut up and marinated in the tea. Fruit like lime, blueberries, real cherries, and I think there were grapes and some other fruit in there. No sugar needed, it was perfect and very refreshing. Then she has a fruit bowl, not just run of the mill, pounds of fresh picked blueberries, big and bursting with juice blackberries, cherries, fresh cut pineapples chunks, and more. It was delicious. That was just the sides! The meat was all good meat, no cheap stuff there either. Shish Kabobs were handmade.

It was steak with fresh cut pineapple, onions, red and yellow peppers and skewered. On that were thrown fresh ground salt and pepper. Delicious. We ate through out the day and night. Oh, there was another girl there who has apparently mastered the NY Strip steak. The best and juiciest NY strip steak I have ever tried. I may have issues eating at steak houses now. She did this thing where she heated up some vegetable oil, ground fresh pepper and salt on it and when the oil was just beginning to smoke she placed the steak on. It seared the juices in while giving it that nice brown outside. Very tender and juicy. It literally melted in my mouth. *does a Homer Simpson drool* Now I'm hungry. Anyway, moving on, we spent some time in the game room. There was music, a short burst of dancing entertainment (courtesy of me :), a lot of pool [which I suck at but got better with more drinks], more eating drinking and music video watching.

At dusk we went back outside, fired up the grill again ate more delicious food. We lit up the citronella candles which didn't do much in the way of keeping mosquitoes and spiders away so we [most of us] changed into our swimsuits for a dip in the 104 degree hot tub. That was reallly nice. I only stuck my feet in but even that was great. It was a full tub!

We crack open a few bottles of wine and only one thing is missing at this point. Cigars. Not to worry I had some on hand. Delicious Backwoods - the red package. They went fast. They are really tasty.

We crack open a few bottles of wine and only one thing is missing at this point. Cigars. Not to worry I had some on hand. Delicious Backwoods - the red package. They went fast. They are really tasty.

So the night was about at its apex. We kept drinking, exchanging stories and good conversation. Grabbed another pack of cigars and most of us decided to get out of the tub. A couple of girls stayed in. The hostess and I conspired to take some shots. Admittedly that may not have been the best idea, but it seemed great at the time.

I grabbed whatever I could as mixers, grabbed the Skyy and some Disarrano and mixed them. It was delicious. Well a couple of drinks in and the girls [that were still in the tub] decided it was time to lose the tops of their suits. Not a good idea, well, that's a great idea, but they were both GF's of two of the guys there, one of which is a really good friend. So it wasn't like anonymous random girls boobs, they were friends - at least the one was. So anyway, my buddy [Hostesses BF] got really upset and it kind of flattened the mood. However, I do get it. I wouldn't be too happy if my girl flipped her top off amidst several random guys. So, the tops went back on. This is not normal behavior of my friend either. A very conservative and classy gal. She had just had way too much to drink. We cleaned up the backyard. Grilled some last minute burgers and most everyone left following that. The remainder of us made our way down to the game room again and played one more game of pool before I too headed home. It was a great night. Lots of fun. And this is just the first day of summer.

I grabbed whatever I could as mixers, grabbed the Skyy and some Disarrano and mixed them. It was delicious. Well a couple of drinks in and the girls [that were still in the tub] decided it was time to lose the tops of their suits. Not a good idea, well, that's a great idea, but they were both GF's of two of the guys there, one of which is a really good friend. So it wasn't like anonymous random girls boobs, they were friends - at least the one was. So anyway, my buddy [Hostesses BF] got really upset and it kind of flattened the mood. However, I do get it. I wouldn't be too happy if my girl flipped her top off amidst several random guys. So, the tops went back on. This is not normal behavior of my friend either. A very conservative and classy gal. She had just had way too much to drink. We cleaned up the backyard. Grilled some last minute burgers and most everyone left following that. The remainder of us made our way down to the game room again and played one more game of pool before I too headed home. It was a great night. Lots of fun. And this is just the first day of summer.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
UPDATE: Willy Wonka, Gene Wilder and My French Whore
Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory is on right now. It's one of my all time favorites even though the writer of the book seems to have much disdain for this particular film. He feels like it is a bastardized retelling of his story. I disagree on the basis that if Tim Burton's Chocolate Factory is supposed to be the better book-to-film adaption of the story, I 1) simply did not see that much difference and 2) did not like it nearly as much.

Plus the first film is a part of my childhood and as such I can recite all of the songs and best lines of the movie. I can't really remember anything from TB's adaption. Other than Johnny Depp did a smashing job as a creepy character - as always.
As for Gene Wilder's portrayal of Willy Wonka, I am of the opinion that any character he plays is done to the finest ability that it can be played. He is the studious type who will research and immerse himself into the role until he becomes it. I realize that many actors do that, but not many do it to the extent that he does. Plus, I really enjoy his characterizations, they seem to be lasting and memorable. Young Frankenstein is one of my all time favorites of his, in fact it's one of his very own favorites as well, and it is one I can most likely recite from beginning to end.
He most recently has taken up writing as, well not a career move but a past time and hobby. Gene Wilder the man is a fascinating character. He is a master fencer, a very skilled dancer and a little bit of an artist. There isn't anything that he doesn't do very well. He's just that type of individual. As for his writing, I own 2 of his most recent novellas My French Whore and The Woman Who Wouldn't. I actually had the pleasure of meeting Gene Wilder at a recent signing for the latter book. Many would say things to him as they approached him to get their book signed but he remained quiet and just looked at them with his deep blue eyes and gave no more than an appreciative gaze and a grin as a response. As for myself, I was so excited [as you can see in my picture below] that I pointed at him rather forwardly and practically yelled, "You're a brilliant man, I love your work!" It's funny thinking back, as I pointed he was wide eyed with anticipation, he seemed poised for me to either animatedly recite a movie line of his or to just scream flamboyant praise at him. He followed that up with a quick and sincere, "Thank you, thank you very much." To this day I am still proud of that small rejoinder because no one else ahead of me or before me [that I could see] was getting as much.

Plus the first film is a part of my childhood and as such I can recite all of the songs and best lines of the movie. I can't really remember anything from TB's adaption. Other than Johnny Depp did a smashing job as a creepy character - as always.
As for Gene Wilder's portrayal of Willy Wonka, I am of the opinion that any character he plays is done to the finest ability that it can be played. He is the studious type who will research and immerse himself into the role until he becomes it. I realize that many actors do that, but not many do it to the extent that he does. Plus, I really enjoy his characterizations, they seem to be lasting and memorable. Young Frankenstein is one of my all time favorites of his, in fact it's one of his very own favorites as well, and it is one I can most likely recite from beginning to end.

My roommates need a blog.
My roommates think that blogging is as big of a decision as getting married apparently. I wanted to prove to them that blogging is a simple extension of everyday life. It's merely a way to log the events surrounding ones day and experiences, right? So, anyway, I'm posting this to show them how easy it was to write about a recent discussion.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Another practice session... I guess I'm dancing again? [because I did lay it down for 3 years]
I just got finished dancing my arse off yesterday. For the most part I wasn't feeling it. I am trying to move away from "popping", or "pop-locking" as some people call it, exclusively and moving more into "hip hop". It's hard to define hip hop because there aren't a lot of defined moves that are called "hip hop moves". There are dances that are popular in hip hop videos and in clubs but that's different. I mean the lawnmower was a popular hip hop move at one time but would not look good now. So hip hop really boils down to the interpretation of the hip hop teacher. Anyway, with that said, my video has less popping than just out right hip hop. I also do quite a bit of "boogaloo style" which was my sort of "gateway drug" into hip hop. I used a lot of "quotations" in this post. So without further ado, here is my clip. Let me know what you think. Oh, it lost a lot of quality from my CPU to YouTube so sorry its fuzzy.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
American Idol... and David wins!
Cook that is. I haven't watched American Idol much this season, I really don't watch it all that much period. I think that the David Archuleta guy should have won though. For one he's a better looking kid than DC and I think he may have a better vocal range. It's of my opinion that looks take the artist further [i.e. Carrie Underwood, Chris Daughtry]. As for singing ability, in that last song DC did he pretty much nailed it. I'm curious though didn't Cook lose all three songs last night? I really thought he was going to lose. I'd be interested to see what genre of music he lands in. Anyway, congrats to the A.I. Winner David Cook.

I think I have a 24 hour bug...
Very sick today. I had to reschedule an appointment with a new client because of it. I'm sure that's not very impressive or professional but I really do feel like crap. My head hurts, the dull, dry kind of throbbing pain, my stomach hurts in such a way that I have to remain hunched over because standing straight does not feel right, and I am sore and sensitive all over my body, complete with achy bones. I haven't really eaten in 2 days as a result, which is probably a part of my problem. Here's to hoping I get better by tomorrow since I rescheduled with my client for 10am cst.
UPDATE: Feeling much better, Like I said it must have been a 24 bug. Thank God because I was miserable.
UPDATE: Feeling much better, Like I said it must have been a 24 bug. Thank God because I was miserable.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hip Hop dancing and Me.
I was introduced to dance as a kid, like most that grew up in the 80's, when I saw Michael Jackson on TV. And I remember wanting to be an awesome dancer like that. I didn't really take an interest until I was about 17 and realized that I had a lot of natural rhythm for a 1/2 Filipino, 1/2 white boy. I started watching Michael Jackson videos, hip hop videos, and even the Breakin' movie to teach myself dance moves. I have a very talented friend who did much of the same with the addition that he is a sheer dance prodigy so I learned from him as well. He's one of the most talented choreographers ever BTW. I then took some formal lessons and some workshops in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Tulsa and Kansas City. All hip hop, although I have taken an introduction to tap and an introduction to jazz class. Both are awesome, and I would love to seek out more classes but alas time is my problem. :(
I think I used to be much better but I took a break for about 4 years, at the height of my technical learning, and have lost quite a bit. Here's a YouTube clip of me dancing about 4 weeks ago. It was one of my first practices in 3 years. They are from 3 or 4 different sessions cut together
It's a little embarrassing since I realize I suck... but it will make me want to try harder by putting it out on the internets.
update: just watched it... pretty stinky. I should probably stop trying.
I think I used to be much better but I took a break for about 4 years, at the height of my technical learning, and have lost quite a bit. Here's a YouTube clip of me dancing about 4 weeks ago. It was one of my first practices in 3 years. They are from 3 or 4 different sessions cut together
It's a little embarrassing since I realize I suck... but it will make me want to try harder by putting it out on the internets.
update: just watched it... pretty stinky. I should probably stop trying.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Why is it so hard to get an advertising job in NEW YORK!?
I have been living here in NY for almost a year. I came on a whim with the promise that the mortgage industry would take me from my comfortable salary and double or triple that. Boy was I wrong, and there is something decidedly wrong about those mortgage "chop shops". The lies that were being told to people in order to "close the loan". The mortgage industry was fat and bloated with broods of snakes and vipers. Hunkering over their "leads" like disgusting pigs over their slop troughs. Ughh, disgusting. I thank God in Heaven I am as far away from those vile people as I can be.
Which brings me to my point. I'm consistently jobless out here in NY. I have only been able to find temporary gigs, very temporary. This most recent place is very, very unfulfilling. I don't usually say that either, I was at my last job for almost 6 years. You see, I am a very creative person with an extensive background in advertising and marketing. Here I simply scout for new clients by way of sales calls. I would love to have a job as a creative director at a mid-sized firm. A project manager, or even an account executive manager would be great. No more business development for me, I'm tired of the sales calls for the ad industry. I'm considering leaving the ad industry altogether and going the route of film production. I've always had an interest incubating inside of me and since my roommate has joined a film mentorship program it has made me all the more excited about the prospect. I could leave for California in a heart beat to pursue it, but alas money is my problem. So I will stay in the ad industry as that is what helps me pay my bills. The economy is too fickle for me to change careers now. With that said, I have my resume out to probably 8 head hunters and no one can help me land a quality gig. Qualified? Oh I'm qualified, up to my ying yang, but I believe that's the issue. No one wants to pay a qualified ying yang.
UPDATE: I just got off the phone with a head hunter, she had a crappy Verizon job that was in JERSEY. I would have been willing to relocate but chances are that I would have to interview in Jersey which is just a pain. I don't have a lot of consumer branding experience, mostly corporate branding, so it would have been a stretch. IS THERE NO JOB OUT THERE FOR A PERSON WHO IS PASSIONATE ABOUT ADVERTISING AND BRAND MANAGEMENT?
UPDATE: I just got off the phone with a head hunter, she had a crappy Verizon job that was in JERSEY. I would have been willing to relocate but chances are that I would have to interview in Jersey which is just a pain. I don't have a lot of consumer branding experience, mostly corporate branding, so it would have been a stretch. IS THERE NO JOB OUT THERE FOR A PERSON WHO IS PASSIONATE ABOUT ADVERTISING AND BRAND MANAGEMENT?
Why I like Obama, but won't vote for him.

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